SELECT - Warehouse utilization stats are incorrect starting June 10 – Incident details

Warehouse utilization stats are incorrect starting June 10

Started 8 months agoLasted 13 days


App Frontend (

Operational from 2:17 AM to 4:59 PM

  • Resolved

    We have released a number of fixes to improve the accuracy of the warehouse utilization calculations in response to the breaking schema changes made by Snowflake.

    There are some remaining edge cases where Snowflake is not reporting cluster shut down events. We are working with Snowflake Support and the associated engineering teams to resolve these.

    Since these have a minor impact on the accuracy of the utilization calculations, we are closing out this incident.

  • Identified

    Warehouse utilization stats are incorrect starting June 10. This is due to a breaking change released by Snowflake in the latest bundle ( which significantly alters a core table we rely on for calculating warehouse utilization.

    We had planned for this change and released a fix in anticipation, but there are some new nuances with the events that were not accommodated for. Our engineering team is actively working on a fix. We will post updated timelines once we have them.

    In terms of impact, only the warehouse utilization and cluster utilization statistics shown on the warehouse page are impacted. Other metrics like Automated Savings or Warehouse Spend are not impacted.

    Please reach out to the SELECT team via the in-app chat or if you have any questions.